2011 MID-TN Swafford Reunion
Sept 17,2011
Moss-Wright Park, Goodlettsville,TN

Swafford Reunion crowdLinda Cooper talking with cuzzin David SwaffordLet's EAT!Donna, Darlene, Lucy & AnitaNellie JordanI bet i can eat that WHOLE THING!Scott Swafford & wifeDebra Swafford w/ granson sizing up the dessertslil redhead SwaffordDebra Swafford
& son, Aaron Swafford & kidsdescendants of Josiah Hurt SwaffordNellie Jordan & family
descendants of Thomas Jeffeson SwaffordGene Swafford family
(L-R) Darlene, Anita, Lucy & Gene, Donna & Jay SwaffordWillie Noel Swafford Jr & family & cuzzin Linda CooperLinda Cooper
grandaughter of Medoara Ann SwaffordScott & Noel Swafford
cuzzin Linda Cooper & Jay SwaffordJay & Aaron Swafford(L-R) Debra, Jay & Aaron Swafford & kidsbrothers David & Gene Swafford
Swafford families represented @ this years reunion descend from:

Josiah Hurt Swafford
Thomas Jefferson Swafford
Henry Samuel John L. Sullivan Swafford
Medora Ann Swafford.

The MID-TN Swafford Reunion is held the 3rd Saturday of each year.